Hilite 17.4

- implemented filtering of Dropdown-Lists in LightSourceBrowser (HILITEINT-259)
- implemented global keyboard-shortcuts including specific focus (HILITEINT-169) / (HILITEEXT-36) / (HILITEEXT-250) / (HILITEINT-312)
- implemented check update possibility of LightDefs (HILITEINT-336)
- implemented slope scale biasing of Rasterizer (Hardware) for Spot- and PointLights to reduce light leaks (HILITEEXT-303)
- implemented Drag&Drop Scrolling in TreeView (HILITEINT-205)
- added restore of old interaction mode after closing material editor (HILITEINT-330)
- added clean context menu to the RenderView (HILITEINT-318)
- added conversion for ParametricLights when loading old projects (HILITEEXT-298)
- changed CIE sky cube image generation to wrap to bottom hemisphere (see HILITEINT-348)
- updated/fixed default parameters (HILITEINT-296)
- updated keyboard mapping (HILITEEXT-311)
- fixed saving of light configurations with SkyLights (HILITEEXT-317)
- fixed crash when restoring light configuration with ImageLight (HILITEEXT-317)
- fixed crash in mirrored light calculation (HILITEEXT-300)
- fixed case where transparent material does not work (HILITEEXT-299)
- fixed Y-Rotation using the MayaTransformer (HILITEEXT-297)
- fixed rename using "R" in SceneTree (HILITEEXT-295)
- fixed crashes in camera path editor with empty path (HILITEINT-328)
- fixed reset of camera projection shift after loading old projects or creating new projects (HILITEINT-332)
- changed methode for choosing planar faces for planar reflection (HILITEEXT-305)
- fixed "cube face image missing" warning messages (reported in scene of HILITEEXT-289)
- fixed unnecessary update of simulation when selecting SkyLight (HILITEEXT-313)
- fixed missing update when changing time of SkyLight after loading a scene (HILITEEXT-306)
- fixed LightGroupCreationLimit do not differ between GroupNodes and LightNodes (HILITEINT-333)
- fixed DiskHorizon parameter with VirtualPolygonAndDiskLights light creation (HILITEINT-335)
- fixed possible crashes caused by structural light tree changes (HILITEEXT-291)
- fixed stall of dispose thread after disposing an invalid ImageLight (possible when using LightConfigs, see HILITEEXT-315)
- changed FalseColorMode to automatically change render-mode (HILITEINT-345)
- fixed Fog being rendered for inactive luminaries (HILITEINT-346)
- fixed crash when selecting an non-transformable SceneEntity (dummies created by importer of not supported nodes, HILITEINT-344)
- fixed possible crash caused by geometries that have a default/unassigned material subset (HILITEINT-343)
- fixed potential crash when material assignment change (merge duplicate materials, HILITEINT-342)
- fixed shaders of alternative (paper evaluation) bake methods (HILITEEXT-212)
- fixed tree view search box (HILITEINT-349)