Hilite 16.0

HiliteViewer 16.0:
- implemented measure surface object type;
- added measure surface UI;
- calculation of min/max/avg/U0 of measure surface;
- simple false color measure surface visualiazation;
- basic aggregated statistics of multiple selected measure surfaces (not weighted by area or any other specified value);
- explicit sample distance / lightmap resolution for measure surfaces (at creation time / edit functionality missing);
- refacoted LightmapPacker using adaptive data structures with individual parameters for packing of measure surfaces;
- implemented creation tool by extracting a polygon from a selected component with configurable normal offset;
- added new ObjectFlag that specifies if it should be included in simulations for measure surfaces;
- refactored LightDatabase to only parse and provide light source meta info;
- LightSourceDefinitions are saved as resources (like textures) in the hilite project;
- implemented conversion from ZPF to LightSourceDefintion;
- extended Drag&Drop functionality (Project [Open], Geometry [Import+Place], Material [Assign], Image [ToMaterial+Assign], ZPF or ZPF-Url [ToLSD+AddLight]);
- new implementation of OculusRenderView using OculusWrap;
- poster rendering overlap (HILITEEXT-208);
- added global setting to exclude light geometry from simulation (HILITEEXT-197);
- updated Light/LightGroup/Skydome icons;
- updated OpenCV library;
- updated FreeImage library;
- fixed Undo/Redo of multi selection transformation (HILITEEXT-216);
- fixed issue with invalid saved dockstate (not containing state for all panels);
- fixed debug light group selection/initialization issue;
- fixed Point/Spot/Directional light creation from vrml;
- implemented selection to display light handles and select light nodes if light geometry is selected (HILITEEXT-201);
- refactored objects flags: visibility state of light geometry is combined with state from light source -> Visibile/Shadow/Lighting can be toggeled by light node;
- fixed image/sky light visibility issues (visibility state of EnvironmentBox can be inherited from visiblity states of light);
- fixed layer disposal & enable/disable (clear when all lights are removed, HILITEEXT-211);