Hilite 15.2

HiliteViewer 15.2:
- restored network synchronization;
- restored vivaldi export (HILITEEXT-187);
- restored reset and center pivot actions;
- improved light config UI (indication of active config and unsaved changes in list);
- fixed screen refresh after FlipNormal action (HILITEEXT-188);
- fixed missing simulation update when shadow flags are changed (HILITEEXT-156);
- fixed missing cancellation of TreeNode editing in some cases of focus lost (HILITEEXT-178);
- fixed reset of orbit center when new project is loaded (HILITEEXT-177);
- fixed restoration of light configuration that contains Spot/Point/Directional/Sky/Image lights;
- fixed crash when applying light config (HILITEEXT-191)
- fixed crash when ImageLight is created without an image (crash when light cofiguration with image light is applied);
- fixed text input with "R" in light tree (HILITEEXT-193);
- fixed possible crash when deleting material;
- fixed possible crash when assigning material (HILITEEXT-182);
- fixed fallback material if geometry initially does not have any material subsets;
- fixed crash in scene tree drag&drop (HILITEEXT-179);
- fixed conflicts between transformation handle and transformation state of scene nodes (HILITEEXT-184);
- fixed some memory leaks (still some remaining);