Hilite 15.1

HiliteViewer 15.1:
- implemented renaming by mouse click in TreeView (HILITEEXT-164);
- implemented realtime light preview for lights with IntensityProfile (HILITEINT-71);
- fixed light enable in configurations (HILITEEXT-147);
- implemented multiple simultaneous transformations (placement with orientation) in TransformableAdapter (HILITEEXT-142);
- fixed possible crash when groups and lights are deleted simultaneously (HILITEEXT-168, HILITEEXT-146);
- added check to save changes when opening new files or closing Hilite (HILITEEXT-129);
- refactored "File" menu (combined open/new in "Open"), renamed "Clear Scene" to "New Scene"
- added [R] "Replace" and [Ctrl+G] "Group" shortcut to LightTree;
- fixed some issues in CommandLineArguments (open/import);
- implemented Open by Drag&Drop files in RenderView;
- fixed some TreeView selection issues;
- fixes form closing issues;
- fixed flickering artifacts when using the PlacementController;
- fixed performance issues (blocking) when transforming large selections using Translate/Rotate/Scale;
- fixed crashes caused by light tree modifications (HILITEEXT-145);
- fixed LDT parser (HILITEEXT-172);
- fixed vertical addressing bug in special case of LDT profiles;
- fixed prioritization of selected lights in real-time light selection;
- fixed light baking with special symmetry case of profiles lights;
- fixed photon generation in special symmetry case for intensity profile lights;
- fixed calculation of major direction for light target line;
- fixed orientation of light target line;
- fixed orientation of light distribution visualization for intentisy profile lights;
- fixed creation of lights that have no light geometry;
- fixed VRML cone shape (HILITEEXT-92);
- fixed VRML shape orientations (HILITEEXT-92);
- fixed VRML cube dimensions (HILITEEXT-92);
- fixed replace lights (HILITEEXT-173);