Hilite 14.0

This is a quite stable version for use in project work

* Poster rendering dialog
* Stereo poster export
* Collada importer (support for simple geometries and some material types)
* Texture coordinate transformations (undo/redo/network-synchronization not implemented yet, addressing [Wrap,Mirror,Clamp] to be implementend)	

+ save/load camera now uses xml format (old files can be loaded, .cam-files of projects still in old format)
+ no longer using any default light database paths
+ added "Help -> View Manual" action
+ added About dialog (splashscreen with closing button)
+ changed color intensity to be linear HSL Lightness value
+ changed reflectance evaluation to use NormMax
+ Simulation bounded to object in simulation
+ Asynchronous loading of light database 
+ added import option "Flip Tex-Y" (the Y texture coordinate is interpreted as 1-Y)
+ added import option "Merge Identitcal Materials" (materials with same properties will be merged)

- fixed sky dome background image rendering with stereo projection
- fixed camera update with empty scene (camera state got invalid and required restart to resolve)
- fixed far-plane for reflection rendering (since dynamic near/far planes are used, current values might not be sufficient for reflection views)
- fixed selection of light to be rendered in real-time when during scene modifications
- fixed crash when light visualization is enabled for invalid simulation states
- fixed missing "Shift" value for shots without camera shift/tilt (this caused the shift values not to be set when the shot is selected) 
- fixed crash in scene graph drag & drop (from parent to own child)